St Kevins Community College
Striving together for Excellence


Healthy Minds & Bodies

‘The past is history,

the future is a mystery and

today is a gift,

a present in the now’

Sixth year and T.Y. students have a unique opportunity to participate in a mindfulness programme for eight weeks, which is facilitated by trained mentors from Mental Health Ireland. This programme is a continuation of the ‘Healthy Minds and Bodies’ initiative that was run last term and it promotes wider awareness about mental and physical health in a non-intrusive way.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness teaches us to direct our attention to what is happening right here, right now and not worrying about past or future events / experiences.

How can it help students?

Mindfulness is a training in concentration and self-awareness which can help young people to respond better to the demands of performing well at school and in interactions with their peer group and family. Students have said that mindfulness training has helped them not only with stress, anxiety and relationships, but with concentration in lessons, to sleep better and even with sport and other extra-curricular activities.


In 2012, the Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) collaborated with the Universities of Exeter and Cambridge to assess the effectiveness of the mindfulness course to:

  • Enhance students’ well-being and mental health
  • Help students cope with stress
  • Develop students’ attention and focus
  • Helps students realise their potential.

More Information

For further information on the specific course we will be teaching please visit the Mindfulness in Schools Project website; For a broader overview of mindfulness, there is an excellent website from the Mental Health Foundation:


A child protection policy operates in St. Kevin’s in line with the national “Children First” Guidelines. We aim to protect the students in our care by ensuring that all personnel have clear guidance on the detection and management of situations where abuse or neglect of a child is suspected.


Our Guidance and Counselling teacher provides the following supports and services:

  • Identification of student aptitudes, abilities and interests through various ongoing testing methods.
  • Individual Counselling and Guidance, Interview Preparation.
  • Careers and Higher Education Investigations.
  • Liaison with Colleges of Further Studies.
  • Links with local industry and commerce.


Our Learning Support Department is involved in:

  • Identifying pupils with special learning needs
  • Formulating and providing learning programmes in line with the need of these pupils.
  • Additional support for students as resources permit.


We place great emphasis on the overall welfare and development of our pupils and our Pastoral Care team is accordingly given high priority. The Pastoral Care team support the work of the Year Teams.

Each year group has a Year Team who has responsibility for them. This team consists of a Year Head, Assistant Year Head, Class Tutors and Associate Teachers who act as support for the team. Class Tutors meet their class daily and monitor the progress of each student in the class as well as getting to know them on a one to one basis with a pastoral focus. The Assistant Year Head will focus on the academic progress of each student and support the development of study skills and sound work routines. This work is assisted by the Associate Teachers and the rest of the Year Team. The Year Head is responsible for the welfare of the year group and will coordinate the work of the Year Team. Students are encouraged to share any problems they may have. The Class Tutor is likely to be the first point of contact and the College recognizes the importance of establishing and maintaining contact with parents / guardians to help resolve any difficulties that may arise for a student.

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Some phenomenal pieces created by our talented Transition Years
Our Junior Cycle class of 2023 collected their results this afternoon.
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